Viewing: 9-Weeks Blogging Challenge! - View all posts

Week 9 - Goodbye Challenge, Hello World!

Well, the Social Media Challenge is drawing to close, there's only a few hours before the final deadline to submit our blog for week 9. What an adventure it has been!! I remember signing up for the challenge in December…

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Week 8 - Cherishing Every Little Moments of My Journey

"It's about the journey, not the destination."
I've always loved this quote. It resonates with me and I truly believe in its meaning. Life is about experiencing, learning, hurting, laughing, crying, dancing. It's about believing in yourself, about…Read more

Week 6 - Blogging and Bloggers

Week 6 of the Social Media Challenge is about blogging, but also about finding blogs that interest you and following them. Fortunately, this whole challenge is about blogging and I'm feeling more and more at ease. I haven't been able…Read more

Week 5 - Girl's Got Covers!!!

Well, a few weeks have passed since my last post, so I should be further along in the Social Media Challenge than week 5, but here I am! The last few weeks have been extremely busy with shows, events and…Read more

Week 3 - Welcome to Twitter!

Well, it's official, I've fallen behind! We're starting week 5, but I'm still on week 3! Week 3 is about optimizing your website, or websiteS and making sure you have a coherent and consistent image throughout the web. Right now…Read more

Blogging Challenge Week 1

2012 already!

As I reflect on 2011 and all the great things I was able to do, I'm wondering if I'll be able to accomplish as much this year… Every year for the past four years I've started off…Read more